Jarod Charzewski grew up in the inner city of Winnipeg where the attitudes and esthetics of an urban setting tookhold. He also spent time on a family farm in rural Manitoba. This combination of surroundings is where he gained appreciation for natural and manufactured landscapes. He fuels his art with visuals of change; landscapes and recreates aesthetics that investigate mankind's evolving influence. Artistically he uses these sensations torelease ethereality in site-specific experiences.He holds a BFA from the University of Manitoba (1996) and an MFA from the University of Minnesota (2005).He has received artist grants from several US and Canadian arts organizations including the Manitoba Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts and received a Puffin Award for the environmental content of his work. He has exhibited across the US and Canada including such venues as the Grand Canyon National Park site specific installation, Le Biennale de Montréal in Montreal Quebec, the Bunnell Arts Center in Homer Alaska. In addition, in Spring of 2018 he had a mid career retrospective at the Begovich Gallery at the University of Southern California, Fullerton. He currently holds the position of Associate Professor at the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina